The products of some brands can be purchased from IPSCStore, even if they are out of stock in our warehouse but available in supplier’s stock. If You can add products to Your shopping cart, but in the column AVAILABILITY there is a note "Ships in Х-ХХ business days " - it means that it will be sent to You within the specified delay.

If Your order contains several items, where some of them are in stock and others are out of stock - Your order will be sent to You within the shipping time specified in the “Backordered” item. If there are several “Backordered” items in Your order - the shipping time of the order will be determined by the longest one.

If You want to receive earlier the products from Your order that are available in stock, without waiting for receipt of the “Backordered” items - it is necessary to write an appropriate comment while You are placing the order or send a note about this by e-mail to Customer Service: click here   (Service: 24h). In the second case please indicate the order’s number.

For example: “Please send all available in stock products from my order earlier. Order nr: ABCDEFGHI”.  In this case, all available goods from Your order will be sent to You using Your chosen delivery option immediately upon receipt of payment. The rest part of the order will be sent later separately using the" AIRMAIL with tracking number" delivery at our expenses.
